1920 Evil return: name of this movie can describe the theme and the plot of the movie. Brilliantly written by Vikram Bhatt and directed by Bhushan patel.
One of the best Horror movie of Bollywood.
Unbelievable, Heart touching, Melodies songs made by the legend of Bollywood industry. Lyric of songs was awesome. All the songs sung very beautifully. As we know that horror movies always have heart touching songs like in this APPNA MUJHE TU LAGA and USKA HI BANA. I listen these song again and again. You can enjoy these songs in every situation. They will make you freshenup and stressed free. Great job done by the actor and the singers. As we know that horror movies have the good quality of song like Raaz, Shaapit, Ek thi daayan, Haunted etc.