The album commences with a marvellous Ruth Aagayere sung by sunkhwinder sing.The song is based onPurriya Dhanasree raaga and one wonders how Rahman has delivered it with such precision and life.The creativity of this human is going beyond limits.The strings of the song are a treat that stands in your mind all thru your life time.Believe me this album is no kids play.Having it listened the second time, Ull never get it out of your CD player.The rhythm setting of the song is so astounding.
Dheeme Dheeme-One of the slowest of melodies Ive ever heard of and ceratinly the sweetest.Hariharans flow makes the song more soulful.There isnt much of percussion except for a few bass lines.You lie on bed hearing this song, this will surely make your mind pleasant as never before.This is no exaggeration.
Yeh jo zindagi-Another superb melody rendered beautifully by Srinivas and Sujata trivedi.The song has a clean Percussion line and the scales that change are the best examples of Rahmnans talents.You would melt away for sure.There is also another version of this song added up with sukhwinders voice.
Raat ki daldal-Beautiful situational number with the sensational vocals of Sukhwinder and Lyrics of Javed Akhthar.The song has a wind instrument running behind that haunts you and this situational number is sure to blow you.
Ishwar allah-In one word Awesome!The slow secular number is beautifully enriched and indianised.For instance the string interlude and the bassline.Mind blowing stuff.
Banno RaaniGreat number with dholaks and strings running through your senses.Good voice.Nice orchestration and all the Rahmans stuffs.
The album has two instrumentals too.These numbers are nothing like youve heard it before.They take you into a magical journey.