I had read rave reviews of this book and decided to read this classic - considered one of the best books of all times. But I have realized that reading an English Classic written in an era where people had begun to consider socialism seriously does not come very easily to me.
The story is of a man Winston Smith who lives in a socialist state - where no one can think, speak or act freely of his own will. He works for the Ministry of Truth where they revise old newspapers so that it matches the current stand of the party. He hates his life - getting up when the Government wants him to, going to work at the party decided time, going to sleep at a time that the government decides. Even his life partner would be chosen for him, like his occupation, by the Socialist English Government or IngSoc.
Until he decides to rebel. It is a difficult book to read now - considering the language, the dreary descriptions, and the invented words of the IngSoc. And especially since Socialism itself is no longer considered as something to watch out for, as it was then. I barely managed to finish the book - this is for the intellectuals.