I booked a Good health silver package blood test early this week which boasted of 55 tests including Diabetes (Fasting Blood Sugar) & more. I booked believing the test will tell me if I am diabetic. I am 57 years old with on off high Blood pressure, that usually leads to diabetes.
Today, I received my report after 36 hours. It was the most shallow report to have come out of a pathology lab.I noted that in blood sugar test, there was no mention of hbAc1 count, so important to determine if the person is diabetic. I spoke with their manager and asked him the reason of incomplete report. He said I needed to rebook a higher priced test to know that count.
I was shocked beyond belief. It was open dacoity, cheating an unwary patient of his hard earned money.
I and all my inner circle persons will never ever deal with Tata 1mg company. This company will sully the good image of Tata.
Stay away from Tata 1mg company.