This was my first novel by Chetan Bhagat n everyone around was going ga-ga about this book. I am a voracious reader and can read every stupid article in newspaper with lot of interest.
So I finished this one too. All my collegues n the ppl who have written reviews about this book are all floored but I beg to differ.
As per Mr. Bhagat he wants to bring abt change in Indian society through his books. I cannot see what positive change you bring about by showing what youngsters do at college campuses. Rather showing the gory details....I cant imagine couples having live-in relationships right inside the campus of the most prestigious IIM institute in Ahmedabad. That too not in flat or something, but in the hostel!
Not just that.... I find that he is mocking on south n north indian traditions alike..only to unite the two at the end. We know that Indian traditions might look funny to us youngsters...but why to mock at them.
If all this stuff is for entertainment....why to quote things abt bringing change in society. Besides he says that the story is abt his I wonder how come somebody can publish the intimate details like that. I dig Sidney Sheldon for the masala...n really respect that guy (may his soul rest in peace) coz atleast he isnt pretending to change socitey. He is gathering moolah n providing some tantalizers for bored professionals like us. I guess anybody can write a book or two on thier college life expeditions....with loads of masala.