Chetan Bhagat is on the rise among the younger generation in India. He has also earned the title of “the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history” by the New York Times. The writer took inspiration from his own life, but the novel is a work of fiction. The novel is based on the story of a couple, who belongs to different states, castes and religion and wanted to get married. How they meet at IIMA campus and the way they convince their parents for their marriage is the actual plot of the novel. 2 States, as it is commonly called, is a very interesting novel, which is light and seems real as every second couple in India can relate to this story. If you are a Chetan Bhagat’s fan, you will enjoy this book more than his previous book, Three mistakes of my life. For those who are not fans of Chetan’s books, or haven’t read his books yet, I would say, you pickup this book if you want to kill a boring afternoon with ‘a quick read’.