The immortal Nat King Cole was and is my most favourite singer. I feel quite privileged to write a review about his Love Songs. He is a KING of love. His expression of love is mind-boggling. The melody of the notes takes you to unknown fathoms of human feelings. I have shed many a tear hearing his songs. Following are the names of the tracks in this wonderful album, these songs will make your heart fill with an unknown feeling and will make you swim in an ocean of love and sentiments.
Answer Me
Autumn Leaves
Walkin My Baby Back Home
These Foolish Things
There Goes My Heart
A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square
You Made Me Love You
A Blossom Fell
Love Letters
Oh How I Miss You Tonight
Brazilian Love Song
Youre My Everything
Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing
Youll Never Know
Hell Have to Go
Stay As Sweet As you Are
The More I See You
The Partys over.
The names of the songs at a glance will give you how deep and sentimental his expressions are. Particularly in the Track Autumn Leaves, he sings
The falling leaves drift by the window
The Autumn leaves of rare and gold
I see your lips the summer kisses
The sun-burnt hands I use to hold
Since you went away the days grow long
And soon Ill hear all Winter songs
But I miss you most of all my darling
When Autumn leaves start to fall
Since you went away the days grow long
And soon Ill hear all Winter songs
But I miss you most of all my drling
When Autumn leaves start to fall
Nat King Coles love for Nature is quite explicit in the song and his sorrow of parting with his beloved is woven into each line of the song. To add to the pathos of the song, the music of the accompanying strings will make you feel that you are surrounded by a cool breeze and a relaxing atmosphere. The strings of your heart will get stretched..the melody filling in and mingling with the beats..the sign of life.
I dare not describe the merits of all the songs. But I would emphazise that this album is a must for all who love music and those who understand that Love is a many splendoured thing
Pleasant hearing...and let love flow.