The hype around the multimillion dollar project was really justified. Though when we go to such hyped movies we do generally come out a little dejected, but the effects just dont let you feel low. Mindblowing is the only word that comes to me when i remember the special effects the movie has.the movie begins in the present era with an indian scientist predicting the end of the world in 2012.
What happens next is the g 8 summit and some research work for confirmation. Then we move to 2012 and the fun starts. Creating such visual effects on such a large scale is no joke and not even once do you feel that these are visual effects and not real. Outstanding.
The movie from the beginning itself was to be known for it special effects and yes it does deliver the punch. The leads have done a decent job but it is basically the special effects again which are the real hero. Dont go by reviews, just go and enjoy the special effects.the movie though did let me think what if it all is real.go with your full family and enjoy the movie for rarely is so much effort and money put on technical extravaganza.