Truth to be told, I couldnt even dare to imagine to actually have a 212.But lets just say there are many pros having of having an uncle whose loaded.(hehe I know.).So because of my said uncle, I have a 212.(yay.yay.). This perfume is like addicting.It smells so good.seriously sooo god.I dont exactly know what 212 means in there but Im thinking maybe it is the no. of times it can be sprayed.(well carolina dont have to specify the no.cause I am going to use it for a long time, a very long no. a very very very long time.muahahaha I am stingy and I know it.)
The bottle is pink(I dont know what is the deal with perfume bottles being pink), small(sighs.why is it small.) and looks very cute.
all in all, not worth your hard-earned money but if you are by any chance a perfume connoisseur(is that even a word-perfume connoisseur.meh.dont know) or have a loaded uncle living nearby.try smells heaven. peace.