24 hour chemists;I have to restrict my observations in and around Bombay (commercial city of India!.)There are many chemists who have become 24 hours.but most of them are not capable of carrying this business for a long;because of following factors---
1)Basic thing of a chemist shop is to keep a qualified (pharma graduate;either B.Pharma; or D pharma etc.)person;which is difficult to fulfill!Hardly they earn 10-20 %;& top of them they have to pay a heavy salary to them.
2)Most of clients turnig up at odd hours (at night) are younger subjects seeking for sleeping tablets or COUGH SYRUP for intoxcating themselves(most common brands;& heavily advertised)
3)PROBLEMS WITH authorities-Right from Muncipal corpn.; to many others.
Still inspite of these all odd things Radhibai wattumal(Mahim);Asha parekh;(Santacruz);Nanavaty (Parla;);KHAR chemists etc. are giving good services.
Here as a doctor I am greatful to them.