The leading pharma companies, Chemists and so-called Specialist Doctors are running a Conning syndicate in this country & looting you, every time you visit a doctor or a chemist .....
HOW ??
An XYZ tablet prescribed by your doctor is costing Rs. 86/- per strip, but you are not aware that the same formulation of other manufacturers are there with the chemist at 20% - 60% of the cost , compared to this XYZ tablet.
Arent you being taken for a ride ? ?
Not if you couldve got the doctor to prescribe the GENERIC name of the tablet. Doctors under the influence of Freebies/ offers from the pharma Reps, prescribe the medications which are atleast 6- 8 TIMES more than the
generic low-cost medicine. But the chemist will not show you or offer of this low-cost generic medicines ....
WHY ???
Otherwise how will the Chemists make huge bills & scrape you out ?How will the pharma cos reap profits & expand at your cost ? How will Doctors continue to receive goodies from MRs ?
Why dont the Govt apply rules to prescribe Generic Medicines & regulate the rates of pharma companies ?
Is someone at FDA listening ?? Or they too are a part of this con-game.