This is an account of a Ghost which spent 24 hours in the life of a die hard Msian. The Ghost tapped the door gently at the Msians house at around 10.00 PM. There was no response. The ghost decided to become an uncalled intruder and opted for the balcony route. To its surprise, the Ghost found that the Msian had burnt the midnight lamp and was thoroughly researching the G(oo) Files on his desktop.
The Ghost thought-what this guy is up to instead of throwing himself on the bed, The Msian did not even bother to look anywhere else as he was pealing his eyes on the Computer. The Msian was keen to garble up another 7000 word MS story which could make the spice for fellow Msians for another Wah Wah session. The Ghost thought, " What is the guy doing cooking up Midnight Masala. On closer look, it was another take on the Ten best Oomph Girls of Bollywood. The Ghost wondered, " why is this guy posting G file, M file, P file all available in plenty in the web world as MS Kitchidi file.
Msian wandered into oomph land of his desktop which got filled with ravishing pictures which could have even made a splashy Video rev, but for the censors and self esteem of our fellow Msian. Instead he conjures up memories of another perverted Msian then-enjoy who made an ignominious exit writing such craps. Times have changed in MS and Msian feels that Craps cap up crowning glory these days.
The time was around 1.00 AM and our guy just finished his preview of his 999th rev on MS. He just dozed off on to his bed semi clad without even bothering to switch off his idiot box and the stupid box.
The Ghost wondered when this guy will find the light of morning Sun. It was already 8.30 in the morning and this guy hurriedly gets up with a compulsion for the monotonous morning chores at least to drop dead or alive in Office full clad by 10.30.The morning Chores takes him an hour and he does not forget to drive his pen into the system for his coveted review.
The ghost does pillion riding on the Msians bike on which he had already written a rev apart from his comb, hairstyle and his sun glasses . the bike was just rumbling at 20 KPH when a Pulsar zoomed past which reminded him to hit the Pulse on his 1000th.
He bumps into his office still day dreaming and bangs on to his Manager. Whats up Man, you are late yet again. Pat comes the reply, " Traffic Jam.
Msian hurriedly gets to his seat and the next important task for him is to check mails, read Orkut scraps, check the response for his previous rev on MS.
Once done with, the Manager calls him to his cabin and says, " It is 11.30 and dont tell me you will finish the Project tomorrow. Now go back to your seat and get started. The Msian whispers to himself, " It will be done next year. In the meantime, the Ghost checks the Msians profile and wants to add itself to the Msians Trusted list of 1111. It fails and thinks, if 1111 who have not seen this Msian can add him to their trust list, why not me who has seen him and his dedication to MS.
The Msian is back and posts his glorious 999th rev. Comments start pouring left and right with ME first ME first from fellow Msians. Rich accolades pour in and also the debate on whether the oomph girl should wear Bik in Indian tricolour or the rev should be dedicated to the National Tsunami Trust. Also discussed are the various rings from the high Ear to the low naval force. Another Msian wishes him for the impending Millennium review.
It is already 2.00 pm now and the Msian packs up for his lunch with fellow Msians across the street. After the gupshup, he returns back at 3.00 pm for his next dose of RRCing other revs to remind them that he did Kit Kat. He gets so engrossed with the MS reviews of the day that he fails to notice the tea served for him whilst the Ghost drinks the Tea like how a dead Pirate drinks blood. Its only hope was to come back to life and write on Golden Green Tea.
It is 6.00 in the evening now and the Manager is about to leave. It is time for our Msian to sit tight on the loo seat lest his constipation will get dissipated in the fear of bumping the Manager. The server is switched off and the Msian waits for the Manager to leave as he does not want another round of Naukri ka Chakar.(he remembered the name Hari Sadu and wanted to change his name too in lure of One Crore)
He reaches home at 8.30 in the busy traffic and then it is time for the Idiot Box to scream for another hour. It is dinner time and the Die hard Msian returns back to his pavilion Computer sharp at 10.00 PM for his 1000th rev.
The Ghost wonders what it got by wandering all day long. It got back its nostalgia of the great times it spent in MS writing 333 revs in 3 years and one fine day when it was day dreaming on its exploits in MS, her scooty hit a Bus and it became a Ghost. The Ghost thought the Msian would be having lot of free time in the weekend, but did not know that our Great Msian was busy watching Movies, eating out at restaurants and buying out at malls to add to his repertoire of review writing.
The Ghost had to retreat to its MS Ghost land where fellow Humans had wasted their life time opportunities for the sake of Stars which were only shining in the sky.
Statutory warning: Reading this rev is injurious to Msians health as it may cause adverse effects like withholding of MS citizenship like US Ambassadorship, failure to log into comments page or at times severe loss of Mental abilities to write further reviews.