Glorification Of Aaamir Khan As Usual.
No concrete solution. We all Know that The learning is important. But Mere learning with poor percentage carries no weight. Aamirs other two friends are doomed only because they blindly tried to fit into Aamirs shoes.
Aamir could succeed only because:
He was from effluent family who could afford to take risks of their car.eer
He was the director of the film besides being the Hero. I am a chartered accountant and I know that I dont have to apply even 5% of the curriculum in my 20 yrs career. All the decisions in life are being taken by common sense.
A high percentage Tag is required only for Entry. After that its your Personality (capability to make others fall in your line) irrespective of your IQ My Advice to training institutions and trainees is that "Concentrate on Your overall personality rather than knowledge or tricks(which Aamir used to play in 3 idiots).
Learn to train our Mind and Spirit, Besides the body and Brain.
Sharad Gupta