Sone movies in the bollywood which are evergreen which you you can watch it any time with any body. 3 idiots fell in the same category.
It is a movie of 3 guys they meet in college rancho( amir khan) the main hero of the movie who beleieves that just be eligible for sucess it will come running towards you. We are humans and not machines. The other chracter is farhan( madhavan) he actually loves wild life photography but due to his family preesure he has to come in the college to become an engineer. The other character is raju( sharman) same as farhan he also has the family pressure but his family is very poor his mother works very hard to pay the fees as well as for the basic needs as rajus father is paralaiysed
This movie teaches us about what to do in the life like never be in a pressure do what you like if dot he same you will suceed in it. The acting of all the actress are up to the mark the songs are also very good. Its is been inspired by chetan bhagats novel 5 point some one.