Docs were glamorized in Munna bhai MBBS and then all we engineers cud do was sit back and sighed why not something equally glorifying on us yaar?
We are also slogging our a**es off…
So it was gud to see 3 Idiots doing justice to the engineers who also want some glamour.
The movie was super cool…youngster flick with a social message too.
There were some real hilarious moments in the movie and also some ugly facts like student suicides being brought in the forefront.
Boman Irani pulled of the character of the fanatic professor amazingly well.
And Amir khan added the young and bold spunk to the movie.
The other 2 idiots were also convincing, having different stories and backgrounds.
All I wonder is whether they adapted exactly everything from 5 point someone or not.
I have not read the book(Nor plan to read it after reading 2 states….whats the big deal abt CB books dnt understand)
The movie is cool…gud watch