With his new release- 3 Idiots, Aamir Khan would be eager tochant Merry Christmas with the hat-trick of blockbusters after TZP and Ghajinithrashed all box office records in the last two years. Backing him up in his endeavoris the superhit producer-director duo of Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Rajkumar Hiraniwho has given us the affable desi character Munnabhai. So, the question remainswhether 3Idiots live up to all theexpectations or just fizzles amidst all the hooplah. Though in bolly-nagrifortune-pendulum swings every Friday, still if promos are any indication thenthe chances of latter is minimal.
3 Idiots is a satire against thesociety especially to those parents who overlook their children’s passion and dreamsfor more stereotyped yet alluring future prospects. Few reels into the flickand the sense of déjà vu surmount any other prevalent feeling at that point oftime. While the engineering grads would feel at familiar grounds, others wouldfind something or the other to relate to.
The narrative never goes over thetop; be it ragging sessions or campus masti, classroom arguments of the idiotsand principles’ torch-bearers or hostel life antics, parents’ routine preachingor the romantic angle- everything kept well in control to keep the interestlevel intact. Ace craftsman Raju Hirani is mighty successful in churning outthe best emotions out of one and all the actors throughout the roller-coasterride. While few scenes prompt you to laugh your gall bladder out, few otherswill compel you to shed salient water intermittently.
Add to it the fact that therewere enough twists-n-turns that keep audiences conjecturing, tightly fastened ontheir edge of the seat. Agreed, few sequences were highly melodramatic and logic-defyingwhich in turn might choke moviegoers’ intestines, but I presume our digestivesystem has been made immune to all these bollywood-sque idiocy, isn’t it? 3 Idiots is like a voyage that jump-startswith a fresh breath of air, jaunts with a fragrance of lilacs and ends on asummit.
Although, being a superstar Aamir Khan grabs thecake but still he is just the small cog in large wheels of 3Idiots; all the other protagonists gets the role that would gracetheir curriculum vitae in years to come . Sharman Joshi once again proves hismettle both in rib-tickling scenes as well as in the eyes-drenching ones.Madhavan plays his part as Aamir’s real buddy and gives an astounding act to beat par with other two idiots. As a lone 3Idiots’ academic-foe, Omi does a superlative job with his cramming hindirecitation. He literally brings the house down with his hilarious “chamatkaari”speech on teacher’s day. Boman Irani continued the legacy of his previous twoavatars for Raju Hirani and delivers a breathtaking rendition of obnoxious-yet-astute professor. Kareena excels in the short-n-sweet role and thankfully givespreference to the performance than to her new found zero-figure oomph. Comingback to the perfectionist, its amazing how an 45-year old actor get into theshoes of a 18-20 year old college going bloke, and that too with a customary ridiculousease. He is one contemporary actor who convincingly tickles your funny boneswith his unrelenting humor and also compels you to shed tears or two when heenacts the emotional self. I have made this as the title of my TZP review and couldn’tstop myself to encrypt here too “Take a bow Aamir, Take a Bow!!!”
The music and songs routine is stitched well withinthe movie and never looked out of context. Unfortunately, Raju as an Editorimmolated the best song “Gimme some Sunshine” in the final cut, but still itwould be the Youth-anthem for all those who miss their school-college days andwant to relive those golden moments of their life. “Aal izz well” is the mastisong and already scoring in the chartbusters, “Zoobie-Doobie” fills in the voidof romantic number but picturised beatifically to give it a new fervor. “Behtihawaa sa tha woh” is like a rhapsodic ‘GeneralIntroduction’ of the lead actorwhile “Jaane nahi denge” is an elegiac plea to the almighty for the well-beingof the friend; full marks to Sonu Nigam for crooning the song in pain-riddenvoice.
Harjeet’s Verdict: (Abstaining from all Gyaanbaazi, my verdict would be ‘as fit as a fiddle’ and ‘as straight as a needle’; wouldsurely be the shortest for me till date)
There are few other moviesand there is 3 idiots. Watch it for all moneyand Stay in Peace.