Music - Shantanu Moitra
Lyrics - Swanand kirkire
All Izz well - Asubah ho gayi Mamu siren wakes up the listener withSonu nigam goingna na re na and almost lazily pulls you to the soothing guitar notes with a chorus which will faintly remind you of mere mehboob mere sanam from the movie duplicate. Bang! comes Sonu nigam telling you what to do when life goes out of control(and you can hear Swanand kirkire shoutingall izz well in a rural tone in the background!). A song tailor made for Aamir Khan and you can almost feel it when Sonu dives intoshivering and other similar verbal effects to endorse the feel of the https://lyrics. Awesomestudent-like whistle adds to theboy feel of the song. A hilarious reference to the incense sticks is thrown in for good measure.Pure fun! thats what the song is. Must admit I was expecting a bit often teden effect but then I wasnt disappointed with what the song is.(Do hear Shaan making a brief appearance exactly after 3.53 minutes in the song)
Zoobi Doobi - A cute and harmlessShreya Ghoshal describes the romantic weather when almost immediately(but lazily) Sonu nigam picks up the tempo of the song and with thepal pal pal pal har pal(from lage raho munna bhai) beat takes you to an immensely romantic-fun filled song. The beat is quite similar to the song I have mentioned from Lage raho but the tune is just so adorable that you will fall for it(if you like the music and are not hell bent on doing acritique of it, by the way). The simplicity of the lyrics and the Caribbean pronunciation of the word ‘Mann’ by our own Sonu the God Nigam will take you by surprise and you shall with a couple who is ‘in the moment’ and is enamored by the feel that they are feeling exactly as it is shown in ‘films’. Hear it to know what I mean! 3. Behti Hawa sa tha Wo – Shaan starts the song reminiscing about a guy who was as carefree as a summer breeze or a kite but has suddenly disappeared. Melody of the song is bound to caste a spell on you but thankfully it doesn’t overpower the vocals since this song wants more emphasis on the words and not the accompaniments. You can’t help but feel that at times Shaan has produced a ‘child reciting poem’ effect. Again simple lyrics with a heart piercing flute will hijack your senses. Has to be a defining song and without going too much into the details of the song, I urge you to give this song a patient hearing because the story of this film is embedded wonderfully well in the https://lyrics. The song ends with faint notes of Piano leaving you quiet. Just quiet.
Give me some sunshine – Sharman Joshi realizes that he(and lots of people like him) have wasted their lives and ask for a moment where they can ‘live’ and not ‘survive’. Suraj Jagan(yes the same singer who rocked ‘Zehreelay’ from rock on and sung the theme song of ‘hijack’) comes soothing to the ears with guitar in background. The chorus comes out singing ‘na na na na na’(will remind you of any live version of cuts like a knife from bryan adams though). I will refrain from what Sharman Joshi says in between the song because I don’t want to spoil your fun. All I can say is that this would surely become an ‘anthem’ for a lot of students in the days to come. Aha! Did I miss the lovely electric guitar and soothing piano as well? Check out this song people to know how soothing group singing can be.
Jaane nahin dengey hum – Sonu nigam slowly whispers that he won’t let his friend leave. Yes quite ably telling us a turn in the story of this film. The tune of the song is one that will pump the adrenaline and the lyrics will make you teary eyed. Just hear the magical use of the word ‘Saaley’(which guys use in friendly banter off and on). You are bound to smile when Sonu nigam uses this slang. I can bet. I can’t help but feel this song will deal with a suicidal student not scoring well in the exams which will be somewhere in between. I say this because a lot of Raju Hirani films’ story lines are pregnant with sub-plots(Jimmy shergill in MBBS and the son deserting his father in Lage raho Munna bhai)…but then I won’t mind being wrong.
6 and 7 – Remixes of Zoobi Doobi and All Izz well –Totally hearable with loads of DJ effects. My pick between the 2 is all izz well remix since it has the perfect ‘guy’ feel.
We all know that Raju Hirani’s films have a good soundtrack which matures and peaks by the time we see them on the big screen. 3 Idiots has a similar soundtrack, but I dare say couple of songs like ‘All izz well’ and ‘Zoobi doobi’ are bound to make a considerable splash before the movie releases. Shantanu Moitra is fast becoming synonymous with melody and thankfully this custom continues here as well. A special word for Swanand Kirkire - You rock dude! FinallySonu Nigam is back and How! If Shukran allah from Kurbaan has a soulful Sonu nigam, the songs in 3 Idiots have a Sonu who ischic and hep! just goes on to show the talent of this living legend!
A decent film, which stars Aamir Khan, R. Madhavan and Sharman Joshi, has five unique numbers and two remixes.
The soundtrack opens with All Izz Well, a fun grounds tune that is loaded with shrieks out of sight. Warbled by Sonu Nigam, Swanand Kirkire and Shaan, the appealing tune is as of now doing the rounds of music channels and is certain to be a chartbuster.
The tune additionally has a remix adaptation that has more beats.
Next is Zoobi doobi, the main tune with a female voice. Sung by Shreya Ghoshal with sufficient backing from Sonu Nigam, the track has a retro vibe. It is a sweet number that develops on you.
Zoobi doobi too has a remix form with more contemporary sounds.
At that point comes Behti hawa sa tha woh that has Shaan and Shantanu Moitra behind the mike. It has a long prelude and is by all accounts a situational track. The piercing, moderate number has delicate musical support and is exceptionally engaging.
Up next is Give me some daylight that incorporates dialogs by Sharman Joshi and vocals by Suraj Jagan. The melody is an unplugged form and will engage the more youthful era fundamentally on account of the piece and the tunes agitator demeanor.
The collection offers an extremely decent melody in Jaane nahin denge sung by Sonu Nigam. It gets an edge with a sudden increment in rhythm over the span of the tune. There is negligible arrangement and spotlight on vocals. The verses are crude and extraordinary.
All in all, the collection is a decent blend of moderate and quick paced melodies. Shantanu Moitra has scored quality music that has tune and creates bunches of hobby.
Peace and equanimity