The movie 300 depicts the story of a race which valued bravery and self-respect more than their lives.The courage was instilled right in the childhood days.The cinematic appeal of the movie is extra-ordinary as it brings alive the true warrior spirit of the Spartans.The royal highness symbolises a fiery, just and bold fighter who is committed to his community and blood runs in his eyes when he gets furious over any imperfect situation.The regal outlook is reflected in his persona.
Inner strength, righteousness and valor runs in his veins and his powerful shoulders are well-equipped to bear the burdens of his race.He acts as a father figure and protector for his nation
and vows to uproot the enemy.Traditions and customs are protrayed intrinsically in the movie.
The enemy tries to buy one of the confidantes at the cost of money and eventually succeeds in it.
The war takes a few days and on the last day the king is forced to surrender but he is requested to bow on his knees to save his life.Instead of saving his life he decides to fight against the mighty forces of the enemy but does not compromise with his self-esteem.
The king dies in the whole proceeding and his army suffers huge loss in terms of human life.
But the moral of the story suggests that the ancestral origin of Spartans belongs to the age of Hercules.It is proved through the theme that Spartans can readily forsake their lives but never allow anybody to harm their dignity.Long live the Spartans.I personally salute the spirit of the Spartans.