The movie is greatperfect acting , visuals were just out-standing.but.. there are some faults.the spartan army wore heavy helmets but no armor?? its realy fuuny and foolish.and one historical point, the persians were the only empire that had abandened slavory.i made a little research after seeing the movie, about slavery in persia.and to my astonish ment look what I came in to: from wikipedia, "
The cylinder of cyrus declared that citizens of the empire would be allowed to practice their religious beliefs freely. It also abolished slavery, so all the palaces of the kings of Persia were built by paid workers in an era where slaves typically did such work"well ..we have all seen the movie.the movie is a bit like video game "god of war" for example :)) but its okey with me.
all in all, its a great movie...but its definately not a history class!!!