Well I am a bit shocked and taken aback when people start comparing this movie with reality and come to the conclusion that it is a portrayal of History
Only if the Spartans were carrying todays top notch US marine weapons could they have pulled off stunts like that. I am positive that the Persian Empire was not considered the greatest of its time because they lost 30000 + men and 100 elephants and to just 300 men.
The director completely destroyed History by portraying the Persian Empire full of gays and horrible naked creatures; I am sure Spartans were great worriers however history tell us that the Spartans were more of a barbarian tribe than the Persians were.
If this was a tale, the director could have done justice like what Riddley Scott did with Kingdom of Heaven. .Showing the bravery of one tribe and weakness and slyness of the other is a very poor portrayal of history and the people belonging to that class or creed.
Yes the cinematography and picturization is brilliant, with great CG and sound effects. The movie flows like a gothic novel with acceptable screen play. If you are an action buff and don’t take your movie seriously, 300 could be in your one-time watch list.