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300 is a 2007 film adaptation of the graphic novel 300 by Frank Miller, itself partly inspired by another film, The 300 Spartans, and is a highly stylized account of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. The film is directed by Zack Snyder with Frank Miller attached as an executive producer and consultant, and was shot mostly with bluescreen to duplicate the imagery of the original comic book.
Spartan King Leonidas(Gerard Butler) and 300 Spartans fight to the last man against Persian King Xerxes(Rodrigo Santoro) and his army of more than one million soldiers, while in Sparta, Queen Gorgo(Lena Headey) attempts to rally support for her husband. The story is framed by a voice-over narrative by the Spartan soldier Dilios(David Wenham). Through this narrative technique, all manner of fantastical creatures are introduced, placing 300 within the genre of historical fantasy.
300 was released in both conventional and IMAX theaters in America on March 9, 2007. The film broke box office records, although critics were divided over its look and style. Some acclaimed it as an original achievement, while others accused it of favoring visuals over characterization. Controversy arose over its depiction of the ancient Persians as barbaric, demonic hordes, and the Persian King Xerxes as androgynous.
A group of Persian messengers arrive at Sparta, demanding Spartas submission to King Xerxes. Outraged and offended at their behavior, King Leonidas and his guards throw the messengers into a pit, resolving to face the Persians. Leonidas then visits the Oracle, explaining his plan of war with the Persians and offers a customary payment in gold. The priests of the Oracle, having been bribed by Xerxes, interpret her message to mean that Sparta should not go to war, so as to not interrupt the sacred Carneian festival.
King Leonidas fighting soldiers of the Persian Empire
King Leonidas fighting soldiers of the Persian Empire
Despite this, Leonidas gathers 300 of his best soldiers to fight the Persians, selecting only those who have already sired male children. As they march North, they are joined by a group of Arcadians and other Greeks. Arriving at the narrow cliffs of Thermopylae(referred to as the "Hot Gates"), in sight of the Persian army, they build a wall to halt the Persians advance. Ephialtes, a hunchbacked Spartan whose parents had fled to save him from customary infanticide, approaches Leonidas, requesting to redeem his fathers name in battle, and warning him about a secret goat path that the Persians could use to surround them. Leonidas turns him away as his inability to properly hold the shield would create a weak spot in the phalanx.
Before the battle starts, the Persians ask that the 300 drop their arms. Leonidas responds; "Persians! Come and take them!" The Spartans use the phalanx formation, and hand to hand combat, to fight off numerous waves of attackers, including Xerxess elite guard, the Immortals. The 300 defend their position while suffering relatively few losses. Xerxes, impressed, personally approaches Leonidas and promises him wealth and power in exchange for his surrender. The Spartan king declines, saying that he will instead make the "God King" bleed. Shortly thereafter, an embittered Ephialtes reveals the location of the goat path to Xerxes, having been promised a lucrative and powerful position in the Persian Empire.
Back in Sparta, Queen Gorgo, upon the advice of a councilman, attempts to enlist the influential Theron to help her persuade the Spartan council to send reinforcements to Leonidas. Theron agrees to help, but demands that Gorgo submit sexually to him; Gorgo reluctantly assents. Meanwhile, the Greeks realize that Ephialtes has betrayed them, and the Arcadians decide to retreat in the face of certain death. The Spartans refuse to follow, respecting their laws. Leonidas orders only one man, Dilios, to retreat and use his rhetorical skills to tell the story of the 300 to the Spartan people, ensuring that they be remembered. Dilios reluctantly leaves with the Arcadians. At Sparta, Queen Gorgo appears in front of the council, but is not supported by Theron, who furthermore accuses her of adultery. The Queen, enraged at this betrayal, snatches a sword from a nearby soldier and kills Theron. Persian coins fall from his purse, and the Council denounces him as a traitor and unites against Persia.
At Thermopylae, the Persians have surrounded the 300 on all sides. Xerxess spokesman demands their surrender, saying that Leonidas may keep his title as King of Sparta and become warlord of all Greece, answerable only to Xerxes. In defiance, Leonidas throws his spear at Xerxes, cutting his cheek, delivering on his promise to "make theGod King bleed." Shaken at the reminder of his own mortality, the God King orders his archers to fire. The remaining Spartans are killed in the hail of arrows, with Leonidas dying last. Dilios eventually returns to Sparta and inspires the council with the bravery of the 300.
Dilios finishes his tale of the 300 on a new battlefield surrounded by raptly listening soldiers. He concludes that the Persian army, who defeated a mere 300 Spartans a year earlier with great difficulty, must now be terrified to face 10, 000 Spartans and 30, 000 Greeks from the other city-states. The roused Greek host heads off to fight the Persian army, beginning the Battle of Plataea.
Spoilers end here.
Gerard Butler as King Leonidas: King of the Spartans
Lena Headey as Queen Gorgo: Leonidas wife
David Wenham as Dilios: Narrator and Spartan soldier
Dominic West as Theron: A corrupt Spartan politician
Michael Fassbender as Stelios: Young and spirited Spartan soldier
Vincent Regan as Captain Artemis: Leonidas loyal captain and friend
Rodrigo Santoro as King Xerxes: King of the Persians
Andrew Tiernan as Ephialtes: Deformed Spartan outcast
Andrew Pleavin as Daxos: Arcadian soldier
Tom Wisdom as Astinos: Captain Artemis eldest son
Giovani Cimmino as Pleistarchos: Leonidas son
Peter Mensah as Persian messenger
Kelly Craig as Oracle girl
Tyler Neitzel as young Leonidas
In August 2005, Gerard Butler was cast to portray King Leonidas. On September 26, 2005, a casting call was issued for the role of Pleistarchos(Leonidas son), younger portrayals of Leonidas, as well as a Persian messenger. Three days later, a second casting call went out for the role of the Oracle Girl, a slave to the Ephors. A month later, Lena Headey joined the cast as Gorgo, Leonidas wife. The casting of David Wenham, Dominic West, Rodrigo Santoro, and Vincent Reagan were also announced at this time.
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