My friend a great movie buff wanted to take me to this movie. I wasnt too sure when I heard the name "300" but when she said it is a war movie I agreed and went ahead.
The movie narrates the story of the courage and valor showed by a band of 300 Spartan soldiers as they fight and almost-defeat the million-strong Persian army led by King Xeres who is out to conquer the world.
The movie starts with a depiction of how a Spartan soldier is trained to be a fighter for life and how he is hardened to live anywhere, eat anything and undergo all kinds of hardships. Believed to be the direct descendants of Hercules himself, Spartans are brave and freedom loving people whom the Persian King wants to enslave and subjugate.
The Sparta King seeks the permission of the council to go to war and is denied as the Oracle says it is not the right time to go to war. The moral conflict within the king whether to abide by the councils words or to go to war(which his heart tells him to do) is well portrayed. 300 is not about history, but of confidence courage, faith and for believing in one’s duty, perseverance, loyalty to the King and country, patriotism and love for freedom and liberty.
The cinematography, dialogue delivery and acting is very good but the portrayal of the Persian King as a effiminate and funny is quite off beat. With so many body piercing and jewellery etc. looks rather funny and crazy. There is lot of Blood and gore and looks quite unacceptable. Warring techniques of two different armies are very effectively portrayed in this movie. But so much blood and gore may not work in its favour in the box office.
The film also portrays the cunning politics which was at place. Politicians who would betray their country and people for money and sex. Ultimately treachery is what causes the downfall of the brave army of 300 and ensures temporary victory of the Persians.