INTRODUCTION: A great quote as said by Author George Bernard Shaw, " Self-sacrifice enables us to sacrifice other people without blushing".Counts few events held in this world as a march of Valor against persistent arch-rivals.Among those dominant strolls to the enemy territories many lost and broke their will against tyranny and pure evil but, those who left a scar behind for the opposition to moan for the rest of his life were rather scarce. While many battles were fought around the world including the world wars, depicting americas vindictive approach towards japan, Germanys tyranny over Poland and Englands rivalry over the Germans did not convey such a sight.Other wars waged in the seas included Portugals piracy over Spain and England, giving us Shark-baits and floating blood to cherish. Still, did anybody have the privilege to witness Hitlers mustache erased from his face, did anybody witness The great pirate Blackbeards beard set on fire. If these events had ever occurred people could have found a profound ardent courage of some sorts to stand up against their bullys from these hilarious moments. However, we never forget the people who give their life for their respective countries because the respect he earns lasts forever around the world.As bare-chested sacrifice was common in every war.There were also few wars where people witnessed different kinds of audacitys by puny and small countries against alpha-male ones.Among them comic artists Frank miller and Lynn Varley decided to give honors to, "The great battle of Thermopylae." While Director Zach Snyder decided to shape it into a motion-picture in the same graphic-novel format.
PLOT:Yes, I am talking about the great Greek warrior of all time King Leonidas of Sparta and his sacrifice with 300 men.Being a boy, Leonidas had to honor the sacred-law of the "Agoge".Where a child is tossed into the wild with very little food and less weapons to prove his worthy nobility.This law crowned him the kingship but, as it is said there are many tyrants and traitors who doesnt respect the rise of a small land. While Leonidas became Spartas moral leader treachery gave rise to Xerxes I who self-proclaimed to be a god-king himself asking Sparta to submit to his will.Sparta did not back out from a war that was about to be waged in the north.Their valor and courage made them stand in front of a gale of Persian soldiers and die chest up in a barren land.Thanks to a traitor of their own breed.
At the end of the war people had to gaze at the blood dripping from Xerxess lips. As, Leonidas kept his promise and bled a god-king with his spear. Their dead-bodies was the result of Spartas rise in the coming futures.
While Gerard butlers enactment of King Leonidas gave virtues to his character to bask in, Lena Headeys enactment as his wife and the Queen of Sparta Gorgon gave his character a bold-approach, true spirit and actuated his aims. Rodrigo Santoros enactment as Xerxes showed the viewers how evil can a king be in a Gods form.
FINAL COMMENTS: Though their bodies became a feast for scavengers no one in the world could showcase such animosity against an arch-rival with only 300 soldiers, while their opposite party possessed around 10, 000.
When you watch their great saga in a diverged style of filmmaking, filled with mystics, myth and morals.You wont resist saying, " I WILL REMEMBER THEM."