3 months non-negoiable notice period for all except tamilans that will force you to leave the company with expr. certificate. And add to it.. no salary for 3 months of notice period... thats is very inhuman.. I was in 3i chennai... it was the worst working expr. for especially north indians pls. do not join 3i chennai as not only 3i the complete state is baised.. and weather n people there s*ck.
Only tamilans can only work in 3i chennai and they do not any other to come and work and grow.. that you will get to know when you join and work there.. no HR practices at all ... HR is a like a pupet in the hands of few managers 3 months non-negotiable notice period for all except tamilans that will force you to leave the company with expr. certificate. And add to it.. no salary for 3 months of notice period... thats is very inhuman.. I was in 3i chennai... it was the worst working expr. for especially north indians pls. do not join 3i chennai as not only 3i the complete state is baised.. and weather n people there suck... only tamilans can only work in 3i chennai and they do not any other to come and work and grow.. that you will get to know when you join and work there.. no HR practices at all ... HR is a like a pupet in the hands of few managers...