Whenever the cricket word comes onweb everyone clicks on it, don’t know why? Is it the game that runs in everyIndian’s vein or is it more than religion.
After importing GURUJI (Gregchappel) from Australia, who took challenge to take Indian cricket to NEXTgenerations and between him and that goal was only one obstacle: one of themost successful captain of Indian Cricket History, amader dada(our big B ofcricket) Saurabh Ganguly. As our former captain was not in a good nick i.e.BATTING and not BETTING (I hope so). E-MAIL from GURUJI to BCCI uprooted him(Ganguly) from Indian cricket team and still the future is bluer for him.
So under our ambitious GURUJI, INDIANS were in their BEST form, to chase any TEAM at HOME and foreign soil(which lasted for few initial months), though with some criticism andconcentrating only on batting . Someone please tell our Gurujii , we can notwin every match on batting, we shouldhave a GOOD bowling attack also. A country with a population more than 1billion cannot fetch a good bowler who can bowl on wickets instead of wides orscored for boundaries? Or at leastcan’t find a thrower like Shoaib Akhtar to terrify the batsmen ? Or our Gurujionly does experiment with BATTING ORDER and not worried about bowling at all.
As we approach the WEST INDIES WORLD CUP April 2007, the performance graph of our men in blues is on negativetrend. And Endorsement at personnel level is at 100% UP-trend.
Out of last 11 ODIs, OUR MEN INBLUES lost total 8 matches and even after that our Guruji and captain keepassuring us(fans) that every defeat helps us learn new lessons, but they didn’ttell us when they will improve.
Recently ( after CHAMPIONS TROPHY) our men in blues went on holidays which was rare and what they did in those15 days were they go to Switzerland to enjoy the nature beauty or to someremote area of India where no one knows them so that they can rejuvenate their form.
NO NO NO instead they were playing with few sponsors on personnel level, like APNA SACHIN is now endorsing 2 more products hail Sachin, Shewag is taking off from cricket and looking for other options like GOLF (perhaps). And our WALL (CAPTAIN), Rahul Dravid is also endorsing one more hotel chains and MAHII(Dhoni) and Irfan’s partnership is giving competition to Indianmodels, not on cricket pitch but on RAMP.
Are they doing what they aresupposed to do? Making Indians feelproud of cricket, which every Indian feels it is their national game, whichevery Indian knows about right from the birth.
India is such type of country where the experiment is rare in domestic cricket and unlearning and relearningin a night cant not be done that is why major experiments like DRAVIS as opener, Pathan or Dhoni on 3rd down and sometimes Shewag on 4th down has failed .Poor start, sudden collapses have become so frequent that team has removed the word “winning” from INDIANS FANS DICTIONARY.
Just checking the personnel RECORD, i.e. what they did in their last 10 ODI.
Dravid(the wall):186 runs avg.20.66 and Pathan(our pace attack): 117 runs and wickets 11(agv:29.33bowling) and our tendulkar:393 runs , avg. 49.12 with 1 TON and 2 (50’s )
And even after that Dravid says, “Viru is exception cricket who can win us world cup.”
So why don’t we call him in the WORLD CUP ITSELF and hopethat he will do exceptional in WORLCUP.
Are our men in blues areunder pressure from FANS ? or due to performance oriented payouts i.e. everyrun they score or every wicket they take will decide their quarterly payout.?
Now lets see what our Gods ofINDIAN cricket fetched from RICHEST BOARD OF THE CRICKET BCCI for every runthey score or every wicket they take (source TOI 12th Nov, 2006).
THE WALL (RAHUL DRAVID) : Rs 5814 per run scored . TOTAL RUNS SCORED 2371 that comes out to be approx Rs. 1.4 CRORES in last contract.
VIRU (VIRENDRA SHEWAG): Rs. 9680 per run scored . TOTAL RUNS SCORED 1068, comes out to be approx Rs. 1 crore in last contract.
MAAHI (M.S. DHONI): Rs. 7580 per run scored. TOTAL RUNS SCORED 1587, comes out to be approx. Rs. 1.2 CRORE in last contract .
AJIT AGARKAR:RS.198696 per wicket taken. Total wickets taken 46, Earning Approx Rs.91 Lakhs.
IRFAN PATHAN : RS. 168932 per wicket taken. TOTAL wicket taken 71, Earning approx Rs. 1.2 CRORE.
EVEN GAUTAM GAMBHIR which shows guest appearance also gets Rs. 12, 886 / runs scored this last contract and earns approx. Rs 45 lakhs.
List goes on and on and on butexpectations is coming down and down
This is huge amount which everyplayer gets not only for scoring every run or taking even one wicket but also for playing as a patch like GAUTAM GAMBHIR.
After spending so much, resultsstill remain the same.
Then why don’t we import fewplayers from Australia along with Gurujii if possible or if BCCI allows andgive them what we are giving to our God’s of cricket, we would have been atleast in the finals of “CHAMPIONS TROPHY”.
Though BCCI is spending Approx.Rs.1 CRORE per year on GURUJII (Greg chappel) hoping he will help us achieve what Gangualy-Wright pair were not able to do in last world cup finals.
Hoping that each and every memberof MEN IN BLUE come back to THEIR BEST FORM before the WESTINDIES WORLD 2007and achieve what we (more than 1 billion fans) are waiting for since ENGLAND, 1983.