I would be delighted to share my views on some of the books that have changed my lifestyle.The best according to me would be Mr.Robin Sharma.here is a intro about him.
Robin Sharma is the globally celebrated author of 10 bestselling books on leadership and personal development. His work has been published in over 50 countries and nearly 70 languages, making him one of the most widely read authors in the world. He shot to fame with The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, which has topped international bestseller lists and sold millions of copies.
Robin is the founder of Sharma Leadership International Inc., a global consultancy that helps people in organizations Lead Without a Title. Clients include many of the FORTUNE 500 including Microsoft, GE, NIKE, BP, FedEx and IBM. Organizations such as NASA, Yale University and The Harvard Business School are also SLI clients. Robin is a former litigation lawyer who holds two law degrees including a Masters of Law(Dalhousie Law School).
His other award winning titles are. Who Will Cry When You Die? & Gretaness Guide. Second Book that I recomend is CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL, dont know about the author but read it read it .