This topic of discussion is pretty vast as there are so many books in this world.It depends on each persons choice or characteristics which book he/she likes the best.
For me books are a whole new world.Books add a whole new dimension to the way we see things in life.
My book reading habit is pretty erratic.I am not one of those kinds who reads only certain genre of books or reads books cos they are famous.I prefer books which compel me to continue reading till I finish them.The listed books are all ficiton....non-fiction needs another review...
Here is my choice of five...and more :
1)The Godfather-Mario Puzo...a classic book about the mafia..
2)No Comebacks-Fredrick Forsyth...a excellent collection of short stories...really unbeatable
3)Mutation-Robin Cook
4)A Matter Of Honour-Jeffery Archer...Good Book....
5)Atlus Shrugged-Ayn Rnd...Needs lots of patience to finish...but the effort is worth it...considering Ayn Rnd wrote such a far sighted book such a long time ago in the 1950s...absolutely amazing...
then there is
Man in the iron mask by Alexander Dumas, The Lord of The Rings by J.K.Tolkien, The Harry Potter Series, The Enid Blyton series..any book of Enid Blyton in just goes on and on and on.....
actually I left out a whole list of books written by Jeffery Archer, Robin Cook, John Grisham, Fredrick Forsyth......and classics written by Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumas, etc ..
actually one book which I would like to mention is Windmills Of the Gods-Sidney Sheldon...though Sidney Sheldon is a major masala writer...this book is exceptional...
and not to leave out the book which can never run out of words..and which just anybody can understand....cos it has ALL the words in it.....THE DICTIONARY!!!...THE BEST READ EVER!!!