Well to say the least these books Ive been my best education till now. Theyve effected my emotions, my understanding, my beliefs n me. I dont know if they are the best as Ive not read all the books in the world but I just love these and can read them any no. of times. My list goes like this........
The Fountainhead ----- This was a book which influenced me the most and made me to strive for the best in me always. Its written by AYN R@ND and mainly shows us aptly about the ideal man which everyone of us could strive to be. The main protagonist of the story Howard Roark who is an architect by profession n builds the most beautiful structures in the world (I must congratulate the author for letting a novice in arch. Like me understand the beauty in a building) n loves his lady so passionately n believes in himself n values his opinions more .... umm a great combination for a guy. I could write pages about him n this novel but maybe one day I ll write a separate review on this book till then do refer other reviews.
Atlas shrugged ----- Another book by AYN R@ND (must say one of the most influential authors around the world). TF was more about the person but in this book there are a group of people who are objective, egoistic, selfish people (not in the abstract sense but in ARs way) who try to show n teach people about the way in which this world should be carried by being true to themselves n their work n not depend on others. I must say I liked Rearden n Francisco more than the hero or heroine of the story.
Gone With The Wind ------The eternal love story... the timeless saga..........with a tragic ending. This novel evokes the truest n inner most feelings within us for all the people we truly care for. Its mainly about two people Scarlett n Rhett. Both who are so similar to each other from within but outwardly are so unlike that they dont even realise the love for one another. It also shows the emotions that a nation has gone through at the time of war which really makes us think what r v striving for eternal glory or inner peace from a war? (nothing but thoughtless action I guess). Margaret Mitchell has done a great job!!!
Anne Frank The Dairy Of A Young Girl ----- Another wartime story but this time written by a teenager and a real story ( it should be an experience rather than a story I guess). After reading it I couldnt help but cry to think of a girl so young who thinks like every other teenager n was going through the same emotions but had to live so different a life. But, she still had the guts so well beyond her age to face it. Learnt a lot from her experience and thoughts. Thanx Anne .
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens -----Written by Sean Covey dealt with all the emotions and pitfalls of a teenager. He wrote as any other teenager would describe it to a friend rather than an adult preaching a teenager. It surely goes a mile and would help everyone who reads it to have a positive attitude towards people n life in general. A wonderful book to gift others as well.
Here ends my list. I ve written more about what I felt about the books rather than reviews of them as I think most of u mustve already gone through them. So you must be knowing what I m talking about.