For those who make a living out of reading books, it is always a task impossible to next to choose just 5 books as the top of the list.
Well, here are some books which made a profound impact on my life and shaped it the way it is today.
The Little Prince - A book as innocent as a child, yet ends up telling a profound truth of life. Simply wonderful.
The Alchemist - A Simple story of a shepherd who wishes to find the treasure of his life - and ends up learning what life is all about in his wonderful journey.
Jonathon Livingston Seagul - A journey of a sea-gull to reach the ultimate peak - to cross all the limits, to push beyond the possibilities- a truly inspiring book
Love Story - Just about love, and true love. MUST read for all those who love or are loved.
Atlas Shrugged - Great fiction, great idea, wonderfully written.
Also deserving mention are -
All books by PG Wodehouse
All books by Richard Bach
All books by Ayn Rnd
All books by Pu La Deshpande (Marathi)
Some individual books which also deserve mention are - Swami (Marathi), Mrutyunjay (Marathi), Freedom at Midnight, Made in Japan, The IBM Way, Seven habits of highly successful people, and the entire series of Chiken Soup for ----
Truly soul searching and inspiring books - make life worth living.