Its hard to rank the books you read. At each moment of your life, one book strikes you, makes an impact. I tried to put together a list of 5 books of different genre that appealed to me the most.*
One Hundred Years of Solitude** (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is master of surrealism. This book is to me is like no other, the story can be read simply as a linear progression of events. The author intends for basic understanding of time, all the characters eventually die within the course of the novel and the town is obliterated by the final page. But the novel explores the issue of timelessness or eternity even within the framework of mortal existence. I especially like the way the invention of glass is portrayed.
Other good books on similar lines: Havent read any
Alchemist**(Paolo Coelho)
If I dont know what gift I have to get for anyones birthday, this is an easy choice. I present them this book and they are almost always thankful. A must read. A metaphysical masterpiece.
Other good books on similar lines: Atlas Shrugged(Ayn Rand), Fountainhead(Ayn Rand)
Freedom At Midnight**(Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre)
In a gist it reads more like a personal audio commentary on the hour-by-hour details of Indian Independence and the immediate aftermath. The characterization on each of its protagonists is simply incredible. A great book for your collection.
Other good books on similar lines: O Jerusalem, Is Paris Burning?(same authors as above)
Warped Passages**(Lisa Randall)
This book is on particle physics and string theory, but take my word for it, we can understand every word of it. Gives a physicists view on the origin of matter and universe in laymans verse. A great book if you are a person asking yourself a lot of questions.
Other good books on similar lines: A Brief History of Time(Stephen Hawking)
The Wealth of Nations(Adam Smith)
Every library has gotta have it. A timeless Economics Classic and masterpiece. I am not in any touching distance of an economist, but, just decided to read this book, and taken aback by the the vision and intelligence of a person who in 1776 before the terms economics and capitalism were even coined, put together his collection of thoughts that anyone can understand.
Other good books on similar lines: Future Shock(Alvin Toffler), Freakonomics(Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner)