I am not an avid reader or book enthusiast or anything .i only read a book if it appeals to me and catches my attention.so if I am am recommending a book it has to really be a good one.
The top five books of all time which are a must read for anyone and everyone are :
1)The fountainhead by ayn rand--- (An absolute must read.) a book that inspires u to be idealistic and never compromise on your principles.
2)The seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen covey the big daddy of inspirational self help books and the only book that lays bare the fundamentals of effective living .
3) The one by Richard Bach a really good book even if u dont understand 90% of it
4) Jonathan Livinston the seagull again by Richard Bach.
5)animal farm by George Orwell the Ultimate satire.even if u dont know what that means !
Happy reading