If theres one addiction Ive had all throughout life it has been reading, once I get stuck into a book, I forget everything else till Ive read it from cover to cover. If its a good book, I land up reading it 5-10 times over the years. So far my favourite books have been,
Jonathon LivingSton Seagull
An unforgettable story of one birds triumph, of achievement and success, the story of an unending struggle towards perfection. This book can be read hundreds of times, it never ceases to inspire its reader and each time it brings a new and special message to the reader. If you havent read this book yet, dont wait, go out and get it today.
Jurassic Park
A master piece in every respect. This book is the most fantastic science fiction book Ive had the pleasure of reading. The story line is intense, fast paced and nonstop action packed. The story is highly original, even if youve seen the movie before reading this book, believe me, the movie wasnt able to capture even 1/10th of the essence
of this book, despite all its animated dinosaurs and hype.
Kane & Able
For all you business minded people, this book should make interesting reading. A story of two highly successful business men, both with very different backgrounds, one a refugee starting from nothing, the other the rich heir of a millionaire and how the two of them go about life as opponents, but each with equally high principals and both self made men going it alone.
The Pelican Brief
One of the earlier best sellers by John Grisham, at the time I found it an excellent book, which made an excellent thriller. Since then Grisham has written a couple of other books with a similar storyline, such as the Client and The Firm, but all in all this was the best of the three and shouldnt be missed. Guaranteed to make you a John Grisham fan.
The Hobbit
Over a fifty years old and this book is still going strong, the inspiration to newer books like the Harry Potters of today. You need not believe in fairytales to read this book, the way the book describes the various characters, each of them is very believable as a real life person. Be they hard working and tough dwarfs, of tall and highly skilled and beautiful elves or rugged men, or the short half-men hobbits, the huge evil orks, or the tall and wise wizards. A captivating book sure to win the hearts of millions of young readers.
There are hundreds of other books Ive read and enjoyed over the years, but these are the five that have stuck out over the years and I really hope that others can read them and enjoy them as much as I have.
Never stop reading and growing,