This is an attempt to jot down my top 5 fav. books. The books might change as & when I keep on reading new stuff. Also im not ranking these books, for me they all are equivalent.
1) Siddartha by Herman Hesse
A beautiful book set in the era of buddha. Nebody who is remotely intd. in philosophy & wants to read something written in very simple language, this is the one for you. Never would you feel that somebody is giving ne unwanted gyan, but it just tells tale of an individual & his quest for the truth.
2)Hitchhikers guide to galaxy by Doughlas Adams
Im not much of a fan of science fiction but this book just blew me off. The humour is just awesome & I kept contemplating about whatll follow in next page. A complete value for money & something one should give to friend to bring a big smile on the face!
3)Atlas Shrugged by Ayn R*nd
Ive read all 4 fiction books written by the author & this is my pick for the best.This 1000page long, small font book really demands attention & at the end you would accept that it deserves it aswell. The ultimate fight b/w perfection & bourgeois is the theme & I feel that itll be relevant in future aswell.
4)The Class by Erich Segal
As an ardent fan of Erich Segal & having read all of his books, I feel that this book is gem when it comes to handling human emotions & relations. The main protagonist of the bookAndrew Elliot is a person we all can relate to & at one juncture or other we all feel one with him. The other 3 characters r symbolic of different prefferences & attittude people have. With its simple language & beautiful flow of narration, I feel that it is a must read for all book lovers.
5)To kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
This book was written at time when there was racial discrimination at its peak in USA & this book is a very scathing attack on that era. The book gives a very realistic picture of american culture & family/social values of that era.
The other books that I would like to mention are Catcher in the Rye, The Doctors, Curious incident of dog in the night-time, crime & punishment & steppenwolf(to name a few)