5 Best Books, sounds like5 Most Beautiful Girls/ Women and the task of sorting them out is equally difficult and therefore Im gonna divide this herculean task into different catagories. This article will reflect my views I was a young reader(60 to 70 novels old).The list is not rankwise.
- The Alchemist - Paolo Cohelo
This book is a real motivator and rejuvenate the reader like a starter no matter how much you have fought your fight and how much you have lost. Unlike the so called motivational books which gives you a to-do list or fill the space wi innumerable suggestions, this book tells a fable which force you to discover a newYourself. A must for any man who is not just another human being.
2.The Godfather - Mario Puzo
One of the most famous books of 20th century and an equally famous film, this book impart a deep impact on the mind of reader. Who will not want to identify himself with the powerful Godfather, both, the senior and the junior. I cant imagine somebody who reads and have not readThe Godfather and if you are among those unimaginable kindly remove this dreadful blot now.
3.The Fate Of a Man - Mikhial Sholokhov
An emotional tale of a brave man who looses all he had ad still finds a reason to live. A book that will move you to tears.
4.Harry Potter Series - J.K Rowling:
Nobody can deny the magic of this wonderful phenomenon in the name of Harry Potter.
To Kill A Mocking Bird - Harper Lee
A wonderfully written tale of a lawyer who is struggling against apartheid. The best thing about this novel is that its written in the form of a narration by a little girl who is the daughter of that lawyer and a wonderful father. A must read. This book usually gets a high place in different top-books list.