Books are eternal best friends and to pick up 5 best books from my favourite authors would be a grave injustice to the others, as there is always a particular genre one is partial towards. And in my case, that is comedy and farce. So I guess the automatic choice of the favourite author would be P.G.Wodehouse.
P.G.Wodehouse needs to be devoted a substantial amount of space.To me he seems more of a musician than a writer, such is the beauty and the flow of his words. Its been many a times I have been looked upon as weird because of the incessant laughter and snorts that he provokes. I specially recommend his WHAT HO!! for new readers to his skill. One might need a little time adjusting to his style of prose, but believe me, its pure unbridled joy, with no spot of malice anywhere in his work, not even between the hero and the villain. Instead of writing anything more, I would just like to quote a few lines of Plum:
She fitted into my biggest armchair as if it had been built round her by someone who knew they were wearing armchairs tight about the hips that season.
Why dont you get a haircut? You look like a chrysanthemum. . tailors measured him just for the sake of exercise
Ive never examined my soul. I expect it looks like an old boot
I would regularly try and put more and more quotes in days to come.
- Atlas Shrugged-AYN RAND: This is for the serious sombre mood. The vision of the ideal man and the aspiration of a perfect life. . It salutes the heroic in each and every person. It makes you feel like you can achieve whatever you set out to do, even better it when you want to. Plus for those who disagree with her views , it still is a very good work of fiction. And for those who start believing in her views, please be ready to have disagreements with one and all for the first few days. The Fountainhead is also good, for its sheer energy levels.
3.Lord of the rings- J.R.R.TOLKIEN : Do not dismiss The Lord Of The Rings as a childrens book. The plot and the characters become very real in your mind, and it is a book with magnificent visual images, any reader would have immediately described the surroundings and the clothes of the characters without even watching the movie. On its part the movie is also pretty well made. It has some beautiful poems in it too. When I read the novel the first time, I skipped all the poems. But each subsequent read has found me delighting in new and fresh poems and wonderful ideas. To give you an idea....
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost.
The old that is strong does not wither,
The strong roots always weather the frost.
So try and experience the ride of Frodo and Sam along with the ring, through the book. Its a totally exhilerating experience.
- Jonathan Livingston Seagull- RICHARD BACH : Have you ever dreamt of flying high in the sky, soaring well above the clouds and painting your dreams on the canvas of the sky??? Through the eyes of a seagull, the world looks so wonderful, each moment looks so fresh.... The struggles of a loner are well depicted. The books chief concept revolves around breaking the self imposed images and limitations of what one can do, and what one should do. The books soul is in its brevity, and the word-pictures that are reproduced by the author.
5.Love Story- ERICH SEGAL : When we remember Mallika Sherawats debut, all we gloat upon are the kisses in the movie; the story is a scene-to-scene rip-off of this original LOVE STORY, which has made bravehearts cry at its end. Each line, each scene remains forever in the minds of a reader. I have initiated many friends into the exalted world of novels by starting them with this novel... But they later complain to me that This First kiss can never be reproduced again this life.
ALSO HONOURABLY MENTIONED: Sidney Sheldon, Paulo Coelho, Enid Blyton and J.K. Rowling are also close to my heart. Also, OSHO, with the remarkable number of books that are written by him, and the word magic that he produces... also deserves to be in this list.
Sorry MS and readers for editing this review; this was the only way I could find to correct the original mistake of listing my favourite authors in this category.