I am an avid reader of books and it is a real challenging task to put together the best 5. But I am sure I can do a good job at that with some thinking.
The first book that comes to my mind is The seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey. This is a wonderful book that you can practice outrightly in your everyday life? be it home or office. All the habits defined are generic and adaptable for any situation. I can say that I see a refinement within myself ever since the day I started practising whatever is there in this book. Mind you that I have not even crossed the second habit and this requires so much commitment and patience. You can read this book definitely once .But you understand newer and in depth meaning when you keep reading it.I feel that this is a book to treasure.
Second book I want to write about is the?Celestine Prophecy? by James Redfield. This propagates that whatever happens in life is not a coincidence and has an ultimate meaning. This is written in a simple language but carries a greater meaning. A spiritual philosophy book.
The next one I would recommend is ?Tao of Physics?. From the movement of molecules to the dance of Nataraja, everything is described with good relevance and substantiation. It talks about the common threads between beliefs and science. It sure would captivate you as you read.
I read a variety of books ranging different topics. I would suggest ?Interpretation of dreams? by Sigmund Freud if you want to get deeper and deeper into psychology behind the dreams. I loved the way this book was organised and written. Don?t miss this!
The next book that would figure in my Top 5 list is?Swami and friends? by R.K.Narayan. I love the entire series written by Narayan in Malgudi background. I feel that his writings would surpass time and still attract readers across generations.
Hope you enjoy reading my suggestions and get back ?