I read the 7 habits of highly effective people in 2007, when I was in working in the Manufacturing organisations. In many of the training programs I attended in later years, many of the stories and examples were shared. If one has an excellent skill and command of language and self motivated for change management in organisations and personal life. This book is must read and ready recokner.
As I was on leave for 10 days, I was just dusting some of the must read books that I have personally collected. One always feel good when you turn the books and sharpen or recollect what one has read. My teacher would always say you need to visualize what is written in which page, so that you can refer it easily. This holds good during the Open Book exams. I understand that many might have read this book, I would like to summarize as follows on the 7 habits.
Chapter -1. Proactive:
This chapter reflects on the nature of pro activeness in our activities. In a nut shell it encourages to Take responsibility for your choices and the consequences that follow. Many of the times, before making any choices were are into negative mind and the consequence is negative. Proactive means think positively and Positive happens.
Chapter -2: Begin End in the Mind:
This chapter reflects on the importance of Goal and purpose in life. In a nut shell it reflects to dare to take and make goals for personal and professional life without hampering your social needs.
Chapter - 3: First thing First
This chapter reflects on Time Management the essential part of our life. The management of emotions and relations on a grid of importance & urgency. The clarity on the different hats we wear and management of time on the impact of relations and ego.
Chapter - 4: Think Win-Win
This chapter reflects on the concept of abundance and scarcity. We are always in fear of loosing something due of our nature of scarcity or negative attitude. This reflects on strive for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships and practices.
Chapter-5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood(Communication)
This chapter reflects on the power of listening then preaching. Some of the good examples of effective communication.
Chapter-6: Synergize
The strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals no one person could have done alone.
Chapter-7: Sharpen Your Saw
This is really the heart of the book. Simple as if fundamentals are not clear and if we do not refresh what we are and how we are and what needs to be developed. We need to renew our resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable living.