Hi Folks,
This is a very nice book, price is also quite nice, Rs 295/- only but it is worth it. The methods suggested in this book, mind you, are not those quick fix ones. They are the things which after being read must be given a good thought, and while you do the things suggested in last Habit-7, you can actually think and evaluate yourself, r u a good parent, wife, husband, son, daughter, or whatever.
Folks another interesting thing that I have observed in this book is that the things which Mr.Stephen have suggested, are no doubt very practical and are not worth a try rather should be try because they are the only things that teach you to be a good man, a good human being. But these methods and these habits are actually wisidom of Indian Litreture.
While I was reading the book I time and again got a feeling in my mind that these are the thigs that the Indian philosophy teaches and these are excatly the same things my elder uncles used to tell me in order to be a good man and a successful man.
Whatever, the habits suggested in this book are a long term investement, and if you can actually live not 7 atleast 4-5 habits in your life there will be enormous turnover in your life. And you will feel that life has got so much in store for you, but it was you who never cared to open the door of store.
And if you combine the suggestions in this book with those of Dale Carnagie you will see a great relation in both, if Dale teaches you that you must listen than Stephen is there to teach the minutest detail of how to listen.
Its been a really great experience.
You must try this book, there is some thing in it for everyone.