A sketchy start, a poorly executed middle and a mindless ending is what remains in my memory after watching this movie last night. Abject acting performances by everyone except Suriya adds the nail to the coffin for what could have been a great movie on a novel theme.
Why Shruti Hassan? Why not an established actress with good emotive skills and strong screen presence that matches Suriyas smoldering looks and intense acting? Shrutis lingo is poor, her persona is artificial and her acting skills non-existent.
She is fit perhaps for a Radio Jockey with that terribly accented Tamil of hers. Editing is terrible to say the least. Scenes change so rapidly that the scenes that should linger in ones memory for long are just hurried flashes not dissimilar to the background pictures that accompany MTV or V Channel programs.
Mindless gore and violence dominate a better part of the movie.
I could skip much of it on fast forward mode thereby reducing the entire movie to less than an hour. Did not miss a thing though. :)
Watch at your own peril of getting utterly disappointed considering the hype that preceded this movies launch and the kind of rave reviews that it has been given.