Coming from Tasveer 8X10 and Nagesh Kukunoor enters a new zone with 8x10 Tasveer: suspense-thriller. His choice of the genre and subject material is right, but 8x10 Tasveer goes wrong, horribly wrong.
At the end of the film, one question haunts you—what was that?. And you would like to ask Kukunoor, who is also credited as the writer of the film.
*Got this on Rediff
Just thought of posting
Eight by Ten. Eight lines, ten words apiece. Here we go:
Once there was a man who through pictures could hop,
step behind the subjects eyes and look into times past.
Thus does Akshay Kumar [Images] investigate a major crime fast. *
(Though what would have been, had the killer used Photoshop?)
A comic booky premise is made into a thriller so confused,
Tsk, from the Nagesh Kukunoor who once greatly Hyderabad Bluesd?
Forget loopholes, this movie features too many half baked factors,
Basically, this is justAa Dekhen Zarawith real actors.