I am very fond of FM. I was in Mumbai for almost 2 months but I am sorry to say FM in Kolkata is much better than FM in Mumbai. Well Mumbai Radio Mirchi is better than Radio Mirchi, K0lkata. In my opinion Red FM Kolkata is better than any station in Kolkata. They play good music and at the same time they are not repetitive.
Some of the the A.I.R. FM presenters are good (only the english ones). In Radio Mirchi Kolkata there are hardly good presenters. RJ Deep who hosts Bumper To Bumper is better than their morning RJ Mir. Mir is a good comedian in a bengali T.V. show but on radio he is vulgar. He is also very repitetive. He tries to prove that he has a good sense of humour but sorry to say they are not whatever he says most of the time its vulgar infact cheap or rather downmarket. Mirchis Arnabi can be crowned as at NO. 1 NEKKA(in bengal people hates NEKKAs) Radio Jockey.
In Power FM they have only one presenter Shekhar who can be said he is O.K.
Sonia is simply BAD. Priyanka has a good voice but no charm other RJs are just Faltu. O yes Power FM has a wonderful Laloo Prasad. I think whoever listens to Sanjeev Tiwari of Power FM he will say Sanjeev Is Laloooooo Yadav of the station. I simply dont understand how did he passed the audition.
Though I am a bengali but I dont listen to Aamar FM. They have wierd RJs. They have male RJs who sounds like a female. I have heared Saubhik of Power FM again he is just chale na!
Red FM, Kolkata is the best.Red FM is active from seven in the morning till twelve at night on all days except Fridays.In Kolkata Red FM is really very popular.
Their morning show ’’Namoshkar Kolkata is hosted by Neelam who is good but at times she talks too much. Her bengali is superb she pronounces all bengali words correctly.
At 10 am Rakesh and Pragya take the hot seat with ’’Jeene Ka Funda’’.These two RJs have a beautiful understanding. Its not only me but whole Kolkata will agree that Rakesh and Pragya are the best RJs in town. Both Rakesh and Pragya are very witty. They have fantastic sense of humour. I have also heared them in Mumbai the show was Jawani Jaaneman but the timings are different. I think their Jeene Ka Funda is a show which students will not like to miss it.
Red FM has another superb RJ thats Jimmy. I think he is best voice. The way he does DIL SE is amazing. His voice has lots of romance. Vineet who does U Turn is O.K. Rehan is also O.K. Red FMs Moushumi who ealier used to host Namoshkar Kolkata with Sanjeev(he is no more heared but he was good) is the weakest RJ in the whole RED Gang. For a while Neelam may have been asked to help Moushumi on RED ADDA but she is again alone. I think she is new thats why she is taking time.I dont understand why she has taken up the sing song style.