I would like to share my devastating experience with 99acres.com. They claim their site to be above average but when you really take their service you will realize they are really very good in making fool of others.
As an individual I wanted to post my property in 99acres.com, I registered my self for that and posted my property details. Later they said your property would reflect in 24hrs time, since it has to be verified. I waited for that but to my surprise it was still not showing, so I decided to call them up and find out.
I dialed the Toll free number reflecting in their site(1800 41 99099), initially they greeted me well asking for my property details and so on, when I gave all my details they said this property is already registered by some other agent. I was simply shocked by his phrase, and said that’s not possible how some agent can post my property details. To which he started convincing me that he is a paid user so the chance of seeing your property would increase and people will come to you faster. But I couldn’t digest that I asked him twice is there any catch to which he replied no sir you are our esteemed customer so we are giving this service to you.
Two days later I started getting calls from that agent who said there are few interested people who wants to see your place and fixed an appointment. Two families came to see my place, and one of them clicked for me. When I decided to go-ahead with them the agent or the broker stepped in and started demanding money. When I justified myself saying I registered in 99aceres.com as a free user, he said “Vahan sabh free register karte hain laikin hamme paise dena hoga”. I was simply out of words at that time. I decisively called the 99acers but instead of getting help they said “we can’t do anything on this as it’s a matter between you and the broker”.
Then the real picture came into existence all agents and people working in 99aceres are involved in this kind of scam. Please be aware and don’t ever use this site.