Worst part of this restaurant is beverages are damn expensive . Mineral Water (1 ltr) is Rs.60 and Soft Drink (200 ml)is Rs.60. While having dinner at restaurant, people order these drinks without fail.So they should offer this at reasonable prices. Another worst drink they have is Soup’s(100 ml) which costs Rs.70.
This Soup is served in a 100 ml tea glass. The only difference from normal Tea glass which we get in tea shops is they offer soup in the same tea glass but it is kept in a small jug made with Brass metal … My sincere suggestion who ever visiting Angeethi is please “ Refrain from ordering fluids ” as these prices are not at all reasonable…**It costs me Rs.800(incl. tax) just for odering 6 Soft Drinks (200ml each), 2 Mineral Water(1000 ml each) & 4 Soups (100ml each) ...
This is a Punjabi Dhaba resemblance restaurant but Seating arrangement is bit congested. Items listed in Menu book are very tough to understand and place the order. People visiting for the first time should definitely take help from waiters before placing the order