I am Dilip - and I have seen coffee day evolve from the first branch to now. I believe - particularly so - since I want to pursue a dream in food business myself - to write a review that is in depth and fair.
So here goes.
Coffee Day right from the beginning - projected itself as the youth thing. There by alienating from the very start a very serious section of the customers. I guess the strategy worked - the growth was a trail blazer and the hang out got cooler by the minute. But the quality went donward too - since the last 2 years more than not.I guess it is - because it decided to open a branch a week and some their decisions here and there.
They give ordinary coffee - getting very ordinary now - but unfortunately the experience they promised also seems to be going down. It is still a good place to impress some young relatives but they need to deliver on the taste big time.
Also their outlets at Pune are far superior and well managed than the ones at Bangalore - Bellandur and Total mall Sarjapur to be specific.