Casa Piccola is the place to be If you are a continental foodie. The food tastes greatt and authentically continental.The range of delicacies you get is amazing and it has a wonderful Ambience which is just right for that romantic evening youve planned with your beau. Dimly lit with candle lit tables are what you get in the Residency road branch. The koramangala one is more suited for family outings.
The BEST part about it is definitely the Desserts. The crepes and souffles are mouthwateringly Delicious.In fact just writing about it now, is creating an urge to DASH to the nearest Casa Piccola and gorge on the desserts. Ive tried the branches near Jyoti Nivas college and the one near Residency road
It is one of a kind for keeping up with the changing tastebuds and catering to a niche customer base.
One grouse I have is the fact that it is not airconditioned. ITs more of the open air restaurant. So it might give you a bit of difficulty during the summer days.
But all-in-all a great treat for the Sagar-numbed taste buds