When it comes to beer, India lags Europe & Americas in the variety and taste. What we have is the regular light or strong beer. Dare I say, with minor variations almost all beers taste similar. I have never been a KF fan, preferring Fosters above all else.
But 2 products from the KF stable have moved me back to KF. One is of course the KF drought can and the other is the new KF Ultra.
This is the latest offering from KF. The very first sip tells you that this is a very light and smooth brew. Its a nice golden brew that comes in very attractive transparent 330 ml and 650 ml bottles with a red and gold sticker. It looks very good in the shelves and better still in your hands :-)
I consider this beer closest to Corona that I have ever tasted. It would be interesting to know views of other readers. I have tried drinking this beer with a slice of lemon and it really goes well. You dont get that heavy feeling associated with drinking lots of beer. Good for summer afternoons and evenings.
Retail price is Rs 60/- for a 330 ml bottle so its priced at par with Carlsberg and the likes. Go for it!