Ho shuru har din aise ..........hor shuru har pal aise ....... Nescafe .... !!
Based on a beautiful soundtrack and interesting thought. An ad should be very clear and crisp in positioning the brand to its consumers and I guess this ad does it perfectly.
Lets look at the attributes of Nescafe .... Aroma , Freshness , Re-vitalising and youth. These are on which its building its brand worldwide. Now a value for money concept dosnt sell in this kinda product .. unles u have a perfectly price sensitive market (which in this case would not be the fact , but may gain strong place looking at the fact that now Pizza Hut is promoting its Rs. 50 pizza)
This Ad , being shot at people who are starting the day has clearly ositioned itself as the best drink for morning. Its competition in India is tea and the ad makers have appreciated the fact that u can never have a bed-coffee , hence they have taken a time slot where people start their work (and not wake up).
This clear de-markation has made them get a unique place in consumers mind which denotes energising for the day , rather than breaking the slumber.
Now this is focussing on a 1. time slot and 2. Energy. The people shown in this ad are vibrant (and not necesarily young) . This instils in the mind of consumer a feeling of energy and being prepared to face the day. As an icing on the cake , the ad is a beautiful tune and is hummable.
Overall a very polished ad and among the few amazing brand building ads that have occurred.
Although a bit more of Indianization of locations and people whould had helped but again the choice of places and people indicates the fact that its the hot favourite of the entire globe.
Target segment of this Ad is clearly peole who work and are lively.
Overall a very effective Ad. I love it. Even my cells ringtone is this tune.