After the usual what to buy, RO or UV, Kent or Aqua guard, loads of internet searching, we finally decided we will go to a shop with all the variety and decide there and then. Fortunately we found such a shop but unfortunately the shopkeeper seems to have misguided us.
He told us that Pure it has the best customer service of all! Maybe he meant(and I realize that now) that every time you call them they will politely take your complaint(they might not fully understand the complaint though) and reassure you that they will take a prompt action (LOL).
My complaint was simple - I bought the purifier on 19 March 14. The installation was very prompt, the same day(the reason I gave them a point for service) I admit I was impressed. And then, the CSF change RED LIGHT started blinking on 5th may14. I called them up and registered a complaint on 6th may14.
Then, sometimes they would tell us ok in 48 hrs, if more than 72hrs, it would be for free. Its near 240 hrs. not that good in maths but ideally I should get 3 free germkill kits! ( Yayy!:P)
Im not expecting that at all and I mean way. All I want is good safe drinking water for my family(inclusive of my 2yr old kid - for an emotional touch). In the end I have just 1 more thing to say. Even if I somehow (and I mean somehow) get this germkill kit, what going to happen the next time the little RED LIGHT blinks, God bless us all!