A great maths genius who thinks theres nothing he cant conquer with his talent however who has been beaten by his own psychology...The Oscar champion film which offers u an winsome trip through a mad mans hallucinations...
John Nash(Russel Crowe) plays a maths genius who passes his whole time with creating new projects and trying to change the whole worlds route with these projects.Not in a long time period he advances in his job and becomes a professional who works for the MIT.After making a marriage with a real loving woman he finds himself in a series of strange events.He realizes that he has been involved in a spy game against the Soviet Russia and he happens to fall in a game of chaos.However in fact these are all symptoms of the schizophrenia which is insidiously corroding him from inside...
After summarizing the story, i want to mention the most crucial and attractive points of the film...The alignments of the events and the flow of the story has been arranged so succesfully that the spectator can never be able to understand whether Nash is subject to a pshycologic disease or he is really involved in a classified mission!!!Only after a certain point you manage to understand that he is really sick!!!
The second point is the Nashs struggling style with his illness after realizing that he is ill(An attractive point more;in fact a schizoprenic patient never believes that he or she is ill) he tries to fight his disease without drugs and a special therapy.His only weapons are being social as much as possible and the more signifficant his wifes deep, sincere and never ending love!!İncredibly and unusually he manages to maintain his life in this way.The interesting point here is that he cant beat his illness and his halucinations but turns his back to them.A tactic of if u cant get rid of it try living with it;a weird and exceptional case especially for a disease like this but it works...
According to me besides these striking points the concealed but the most signifficant and crucial point is the exhibition of loves power to inject new life into a patient who has become almost a zombie.Although sometimes coming to the point of exhaustion Nashs wife holds him tight throughout his life and surrounds him with his deep, true and brilliant love and makes him come over his illness.This is the main point I think;to show that sometime love is stronger than any other kind of manipulation and stuff(drugs, therapies, other kinds of technologies...).Lovely isnt it?....
Crowes performance is of attention and praise.He has succesfully managed to be the Second Rain Man.Among all the other artists involved in the film, Crowe shows a fabulous acting in spite of the difficult character of Nash...
The merely negative point of the film is the logical deficiencies placed in the scenario;from this standpoint the film resembles Sixth Sence.The same surrealist atmosphere and the analogue ghost-like characters...Nashs disease becomes realised years after he graduates university.But what about fictionate room mate??Didnt anyone realize him all throughout his university education??What about getting into the fictionate characters car and being chased by the evil ones driving another car??How can u be in a characters car which is not real and move with that car??Halucinations can not be this much exaggerated I think...
I really cant decide if this one deserves to be the Oscar winner of the year but its certainly a one of good quality with Crowes great performance and its hided moral lessons...One of the best films which wanders on the borders of dream and reality...