The movie starts with the john nash amidst his peers at princeton. He has won this coveted math scholarship at princeton and chooses it over harvard. He is shown to have this ability to play with an empty glass and match one guys tie design. pretty cool.
He has this tic that he keeps rubbing his forehead like a nail was stuck into his head. His social skills make his the most hated student in the class. He doesnt attend any lecture which according to him are for lesser mortals. He has this room-mate/friend whom he talks with continuously during his stay in princeton.
He develops his theory on games during his year in princeton. And is accepted by his peers and thought of as equal after his proposal is accepted.
The movie changes to his faculty life later. He doesnt like to teach and the first class he goes to, he meets this babe whom he marries.
Later he thinks he’s helping the US govt. to crack russian codes and reads magazines to look up russian secret codes defining map coordinates. His paranoid behaviour increases.
He is brought to the hospital and treated with electro-convulsive therapy 5 times a week for 10 weeks. Put on tricyclic antidepressants and discharged. He stops taking them and consequently relapses.
This time he refuses treatment and starts fighting his problem himself denying the brain thoughts to overpower him.
His wife seems very supportive. He has a son later.
Then he is shown to be very old and is given the nobel prize.
PROS: the acting, the way the story has been dealt with.
CONS: incomplete story, john nash’s son is also a schizophrenic. John Nash had a GF and had a son with her before this babe he marries.